Sunday, February 25, 2007

1,000,000 Blogs for Peace

After a brief discussion followed by free food--we prefer Deep Sea Delight at my house-- we unanimously voted to support the blog-o-sphere (is there such a place?) push for peace by US Withdrawl in Iraq. We signed up for the One Million Bloggers for Peace.
You can join by going to:

I don't know if it will help, but anything to get the attention of those asleep at the wheel may do some good.
Also, I worry about all those cats, my distant relatives, in Iraq who are not being properly fed and housed.
This war must stop!

Note: I have not gotten more messages out recently because the Typist had right hand surgery. On her second hard cast now...comes off in a week. At first she refused to type at all and just slept and watched DVDs. And they say cats are lazy.
But, I have just now gotten her to do one-handed hunt and peck. She is so slow! I get bored and forget what I wanted to say. No, I can't fire her. She's the one who leads the discussions and open the packs of Deep Sea Delight for me and Buddy Budd. Try some...

Fond regards,
PD Budd

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